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Personal Safety


In an age of digital distractions, personal safety can be challenging. Social media, email checking, and phone use in public spaces are commonplace, but significantly decrease awareness. Our workshops are a practical approach to personal safety and educate audiences on heightening their awareness and vigilance- even in a digital age.


Cost $200 1st Hour

+$50 Per Additional Hour


Armed Robbery Survival


A proactive solution for financial institutions, check cashers, and high traffic retailers, this interactive demonstration is intended for high risk staff. Teams are equipped with the tactics required to reduce the chances of a robbery and best practices for surviving if a robbery were to occur. Designed for customer facing roles, this offering demonstrates the power of high-quality service and the role it plays in keeping teams safe.


Cost $200 1st Hour

+$50 Per Additional Hour


Building a Safe Work Environment


From parking deck precautions to combatting crimes against co-workers, employees should be empowered to make safe choices. This workshop is customized around the needs of your organization. Tell us your problem and we'll suggest solutions.


Cost $200 1st Hour

+$50 Per Additional Hour


Fire Safety


A combination of survival strategies and precautionary measures, our fire safety presentations focus on prevention.  Developed for leadership entrusted with the safety of children, adults, or senior citizens, this offering includes principles of prevention and a fire action plan framework.


Cost $200 1st Hour

+$50 Per Additional Hour


Additional Services

Building Safety


We tour your facility to ensure the sufficient operation of detectors, alarms, and other emergency devices.


Cost $200 1st Hour

+50 Per Additional Hour

Threat Analysis


We examine your vulnerabilities and provide a comprehensive list of recommendations.


Cost $200 1st Hour

+$50 Per Additional Hour